Friday, October 21, 2005

We Like Our Drinks With Ice.

Good ice scrimmage today team. You can really see a lot of improvement with each time on the ice.
Stand-outs today.... Eitan Elkobi and Donny Fuchs.
For all of you, just remember floor hockey is just elementary school and maybe high school. Ice hockey can be played most of your adult life. If you guys enjoy it as much as you seem to, then it is something you should pursue.
Special thanks to the Coca Cola Bottling Company of New York for the Powerade donated for the team to drink after today's Ice Hockey Scrimmage. [ pictures ]

Powerade - official drink of the Ashar Hockey Team

The Floor Hockey League tells us we should be getting the game schedules shortly. Coach Dave is working with one of the other teams in the league for a possible pre season scrimmage at Ashar in early November. We will keep you posted.

Also, November 1st is the date scheduled for our Ipod Raffle Drawing. Many Non-Ashar people and businesses made donations [see the list of donations ] . Why not show the strangers that made donations that our own "Ashar Families" support the school hockey program as well? Please make your best efforts to ask family, friends and business associates to help support the program with a $20.00 donation to the program. A raffle ticket will be reserved in their name for the ipod drawing in appreciation.
A week from Monday it is back on the courts for our next Floor Hockey practice - 7:30pm Ashar Gym.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

No Vacation From Practice

Just because we are off from school doesn't mean we shouldn't have a practice does it? Ofcourse not. But, it does mean we can book some private ice time in the middle of the day for us to play ice hockey. Enough court, we need ice.

On Friday we did just that. The kids were great. Got to the ice rink on time. Enjoyed a pizza lunch. Strapped on our equipment, and scratched up some ice.

We had a full one hour scrimmage game. End to end hockey, with the only interruptions; line changes. Many kids showing some potential ice hockey talent.

Most improved from our last time on the ice....... Mike Berger and Joey Chessir. Though trying to stay balanced, they had looks of concentration on their faces like I am sure they never had in a math or science class.

When we asked the boys if they enjoyed it? Eli Muschel quickly blurted out....' We definitely have to do this again!!!" and all the boys roared agreement.

A fun time was definitely had by all in fact. Ask them, they will tell you themselves.

Hey wait a Friday we are off from school again aren't we?. What do you say we do it again?

Meet at the rink at 1:30pm followed by scrimmage begining at 2:00pm to 3:00 ?

Please email me at and let me know if your sons can make it.

If we have enough players available, I will book the ice.

[ click here for pictures ]


Saturday, October 08, 2005

Physical Work Out

Thanks to all parents for responding quickly to the call for Ashar Hockey Program fees. We would like to get all business behind us so we can just concentrate on play.

This week was another good hockey week with the boys. The Sunday 2 hour on ice training, Monday's 90 minute practice and finishing off with Friday's physical practice.

Yes Friday's practice got a little physical. Dave and I began by introducing , and reintroducing the kids to the foam pads along the gym walls. While there is no hitting or checking aloud in the league, floor hockey becomes very physical along the walls when it comes time to pin your opponent up against the "boards". The theme of the practice; "don't let them do what they want". Meaning if you get your opponent up against the wall fighting with the ball, pin them there and don't let them get a pass off to their teammates. Once again we need a lot of work in this area. Dave and I were surprised that even some of the larger returning players had trouble with this aspect of the game.

Standouts from this practice Ilan Teichman. When he "pinned em" nobody got free. Good work Ilan.

The Captain and Alternates made all our line decisions this week for our scrimmages. Not only do the boys show good judgment and management skills, but people skills as well. They have earned the respect of the team by giving respect. Assignments given, assignments taken with no (school boy) bickering at all.

Special mention goes to both Efriam Cooper and Jason Klein. Two players who are really surprising the team and coaching staff these past few weeks with excellent hustle and great play. Way to go boys!

This week EA Sports paid up with NHL 2006 video games given to the boys who won our "most accurate pass contest last week. Daniel Silvermintz's video game review;....... "this game is really good!". Thanks EA.

This Friday with the holidays and no school, it is the perfect opportunity to once again lace up the skates and cut up some Sportorama ice. Only this time Ashar Hockey has rented the ice exclusively for the team. We are planning a team pizza lunch at the rink at 12:30pm followed by a full one hour team ice hockey scrimmage beginning at 2:00pm promptly. Once again full equipment a must and bring your jerseys. Sorry...... Team members only!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Ashar Hockey Hits The Ice

Hey it was great fun to get the kids on the ice, and give them a taste of real hockey. I think they really enjoyed themselves. I know they all really wanted to scrimmage, but unfortunately ( or fortunately) the Yeshiva Hockey League turn out was substantial. I must say our boys did look good out there on the ice though. (pictures)

Now that I see the boys can handle themselves on the ice, maybe a team trip back to the rink for that scrimmage would not be a bad idea. I can try and get us some private ice time if the team decides it is something they would like me to pursue.

Thanks to all the parents for getting the kids to the rink today.

Tomorrow 10/3 we have practice scheduled from 2:00 - 3:30 pm. I have spoken to the team Captain Ari Cohen, and we agreed he would be the point man for all practice information. Any question as to practice time? Ari will have the answer, and all the kids know my email address.

In any event Happy New Year to all.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

Yeshiva Ice Hockey

The other day I was at the Home Depot in Nanuet. Just to the right of the checkout lanes I could not believe my eyes. A full scale cut-a-way of a succah was erected (including automated tarp system to protect the succah from possible foul weather). A sign inside the succah inviting customers to Sundays free Succah Building Clinic sponsored by The Home Depot. I thought to myself, wow, has Rockland County come a long way since I was a kid here.

Well even more amazing was the flyer I saw around town later that day inviting Yeshiva kids to a free ice hockey clinic at Sportorama, and the possibility of a Yeshiva Ice Hockey League. Now I've seen it all.

It was never possible to get free ice time during a normal Sunday afternoon. When I grew up Yeshiva kids rented ice the only free time we could get, Thurday nights 11:30 pm. Now prime time ice Sundays at 4:30 pm? Unheard of.

Have to give credit to a Rabbi Yehuda Koblic of for taking the initiative to take on such a bold endeavor. It will be a difficult start up, and the first year will take alot of effort I'm sure to promote.

At our Ashar practice on Friday I mentioned to the boys that there will be a free 2 hour clinic for the Yeshiva Hockey League this Sunday at 5:30 pm and that we as a team should go. Most of the boys never really had the chance to play hockey on ice. It will be a fun hockey field trip for the team.

If you can get your son there by 5:00pm, David Nelson and I will be there on the ice watching them. Let them wear their jerseys.

This clinic is free, but for more information on the Yeshiva Ice Hockey League visit .

Look forward to seeing them there.
